Muhammad Adri
The usage and development of teaching media,
representing one of study strategy able to be done by a teacher, in order to
improving activity and participation of student in course of learning. choosen
and media exploiting election will be able to give excitement to student, so
that process the forwarding of information to educative participant will walk
better, because with usage of media, an teaching items will be able to comprehend
easily by a student. usage of interactive cd rom (called as e-media) as one of
instructional media in study of fisika terapan can be made as one of
alternative to assist resolving of study problem of student causing of by using
intercative cd, student can to study by self-learning, easily, convenience,
supple and learn as according to his ability, without external constraint.
thereby is expected by used of this kind of media can to improve learning
achievement of student.
kata kunci : cd interactive, e-media, instructional media, learning
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Tampilan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif |
Mutu pendidikan mempunyai kaitan dengan
kualitas lulusannya, sedangkan kualitas lulusan ditentukan oleh proses belajar.
Prestasi belajar yang diraih mahasiswa setelah proses pembelajaran, mempunyai
makna bagi mahasiswa bersangkutan maupun bagi lembaga pendidikan, karena
prestasi belajar yang tinggi menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa tersebut memiliki
tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang tinggi, sedangkan bagi lembaga
pendidikan, prestasi belajar mahasiswa yang tinggi menunjukkan keberhasilan lembaga
dalam proses pembelajaran.